
 Liquideo Wpuff Flavors

Mashmallow 10ml - Liquideo Wpuff Flavors

Mashmallow 10ml - Liquideo Wpuff Flavors

Référence: GFC21464
 Liquideo Wpuff Flavors

Mashmallow 10ml - Liquideo Wpuff Flavors

Find the flavors of Wpuff now in 10ml!

Rediscover the flavor of the legendary chewy treat that will take you straight back to childhood.

  • Manufacturer Liquidéo
  • Range Wpuff Flavors
  • Country France
  • Flavor Gourmet
  • PG/VG ratio 50/50
  • Packaging Flacon PE 10ml avec bouchon sécurité enfant
  • Capacity 10ml
  • Nicotine rate 0, 3, 6, 10mg

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