
Vampire Vape

Concentrate Spearmint 30ml - Vampire Vape

Concentrate Spearmint 30ml - Vampire Vape
Code EAN13 :
Vampire Vape

Concentrate Spearmint 30ml - Vampire Vape

A sweet mint flavor, like a chewing gum whose freshness never disappears!

A sweet minty flavour just like chewing gum that nevers runs out of flavour


  • Manufacturer: Vampire Vape,

  • Designation: Concentrate Spearmint,

  • Country of manufacture: United Kingdom,

  • Flavour type: Fresh,

  • Packaging: PE bottle with childproof lock and dropper,

  • Capacity: 30ml.

  • Manufacturer Vampire Vape
  • Country United Kingdom
  • Flavor Fresh
  • Packaging Flacon PE 30ml avec bouchon sécurité enfant
  • Capacity 30ml

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