

Cyber Fresh Additive 2.0 10ml - Supervape

Cyber Fresh Additive 2.0 10ml - Supervape
Référence: GFC3414
Code EAN13 :

Cyber Fresh Additive 2.0 10ml - Supervape

Cyber Fresh Additive 2.0 10ml - Supervape

Additive made in France

We strongly advise you to download the safety indication and to have them at your disposal in case of control. Click on "DOWNLOAD"

Cyberfresh 2.0 is an overpowered fresh agent without menthol or koolada. Usable alone with your DIY or as an additive for your favourite juices, Cyberfresh will bring you an intense and surprising sensation of freshness. More than fresh, it's cold made in SuperVape.

Recommended use: 
- Dilute inside an e-liquide base: between 1 and 6% at maximum
- Ideal for your fruity, gourmet or tobacco creations


This concentrate can end up getting crystalised. Before use, please store this bottle near a heat source (30°C) and wait until its content becomes completely liquid, then shake. Do not put inside a microwave oven.

Bottle:10ml flexible with tamperband, childproof lock, anti-UV filter, tactile warning triangle on label (if containing nicotine), ingredients, Best-before date, batch numberQRCode:Thanks to our unique QRCode system, you can check all the information regarding your product's manufacture directly onlineType of flavouring:Food and natural flavouringProduct type:Concentrated aromas for e-liquids

  • Manufacturer SuperVape
  • Country France
  • Packaging 10ml PE bottle with childproof lock

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