
  • Cubana Nic Salt 10ml - Xo Havana

    A classic Cuban cigar blend, enhanced with creamy bourbon vanilla notes.

  • Retto Nic Salt 10ml - Xo Havana

    A subtle blend of light cigar leaves, enriched with roasted almond flavors.

  • Andres Nic Salt 10ml - Xo Havana

    A selection of amber cigar leaves from Veracruz, Mexico, offering a rich and...

  • Romeo Nic Salt 10ml - Xo Havana

    A Mexican cigar with indulgent dark chocolate accents for an intense touch of...

  • Venecia Nic Salt 10ml - Xo Havana

    A Cuban cigar flavored with Italian coffee extract, perfect for lovers of...

  • Daisy Nic Salt 10ml - Xo Havana

    A light and fruity creation combining cigar aromas with fresh blueberry notes.